Camp Albrecht Acres
Camp Albrecht Acres is a recreational residentail camp for individuals with mental and physical disabilities. Founded in 1975, the camp offers enjymentt and education to campers and provides respite to their family and guardians.
The camp is a private, non-profit corporation, governed by an 18 member volunteer board and operates solely on camp fees, donations, fundraisers and grants.Camp Albrecht Acres receives no federal, state or financial assitance from any level of government. It provides admission to all regardless of ability to pay, disability, race, color, creed, sex, religion or political affiliation.
Our recreational programs promote socialization and physical development and concentrates on motor skills, sensory awareness, skill development, enhances self-esteem and emotional growth. In addition, innovative programs are created to serve the special needs of the severely and profoundly disabled.
The mission of Camp Albrecht Acres is to provide a unique environment for people with special needs.