The Servants' Charitable Trust

Primary Contact: 
Georgia Ware, Assistant to Director
2400 E. Katella Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92807
Type of Funder: 
Areas of Interest: 
Areas of Interest Description: 

The foundation awards grants to Christian service projects.

Geographic Focus: 
Geographic Focus Limitations: 

The foundation awards grants nationally and internationally.

Total Annual Giving: 


Average Grant Range: 

$10,000 to $75,000

Average Number of Requests & Grants Per Year: 


Application Procedures: 


Applicants should contact the foundation by email regarding funding.  In this email submit a brief summary of the project, dollar amount to be requested and a copy of the organization’s 501c3 tax determination letter or include the 501c3 tax number in the email.  If there is interest in the project, a grant application will be emailed back to the prospective grantee.  Grant information must be submitted on the foundation’s application form along with requested supporting documents.       


Please send to:

Funding Limitations Description: 


Grants are limited to Christ-centered parachurch organizations with a 501c3 tax determination letter.

Funds are not allocated for individuals or endowments.

The foundation does not match another foundation’s challenge grant

Funds are not allocated to provide funding for legislation or public elections.

There is a one-year waiting period between grants or submission of applications.

Funds will not be sent outside of the United States.

CPA audited financial statements are required.

Selected Grants: 

$78,500 to WorldServe Ministries; $70,000 to the Justice Foundation; $54,000 to Church Resource Ministries; $25,000 to Urban Promise (Camden, NJ); $20,000 to the Christian Community Development Association; $5,000 to Campus Crusade

City/Metropolitan Area: 
Annual Giving: