WordWinds International

Organization Description: 

As an organization, WordWinds seeks to accomplish the following objectives:
- Identify and locate translation projects for funding that involve national missionaries laboring to bring the good news of Christ to people groups in their own country where no Bible currently exists.
- Engage Christians around the world in the mission's process---fostering an increased zeal and spirit for missions and evangelism---by securing financial support for national missionaries around the world.
- Bring glory to God by helping fulfill the Great Commission---taking the gospel of Christ to all the nations.

Organizational Email: 
PO Box 87223
Baton Rouge, LA 70879
Mission Statement: 

WordWinds International exists to reach people for the Gospel of Jesus Christ through supporting the training and sending of national missionaries to translate the Bible into languages where none currently exists so that the Gospel might be proclaimed to every man, woman, and child in their natural tongue.

Organizational Statement of Faith: 

We at WordWinds International are Evangelical Christians and hold to the following minimal beliefs.

In addition, anyone accepting support from WordWinds will also subscribe to these beliefs. We do this not to be divisive, but to ensure that we are not supporting financially what we cannot support spiritually or theologically. We believe that the following standards are broad enough to include most Evangelical Christians and narrow enough to exclude those who don't hold to the Evangelical foundations we hold dear.

GOD is One, eternally existing in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three Persons of the Godhead are equal in nature and essence to each other. As One They created the world, and Each plays a special role in the redemption and sanctification of man.

JESUS CHRIST is fully God and fully man. He was incarnated in time, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, was sinless, preached, healed, was crucified, died, was buried, and was raised from the dead. He ascended into Heaven and promised to return to claim his faithful.

THE HOLY SPIRIT is fully God. He is Christ's representative on Earth and in the believer. He convicts of sin and ushers man into repentance through faith in Christ. He indwells the believer, sealing him unto the day of salvation, and enabling him to live a life of faith and obedience.

THE BIBLE is divinely inspired, infallible, and inerrant in the originals. It is the unique, absolute authority in all matters of doctrine and conduct.

MAN is sinful and guilty, his nature is corrupted as a result of Adam's fall, and he has therefore incurred the wrath and condemnation of the Holy God.

SALVATION AND FORGIVENESS were provided by the sacrificial and substitionary death of Christ on the cross. Human effort or Church sacraments cannot play any role in the giving or receiving of God's grace. Salvation is offered by God as a free gift to all who respond in sincere faith to the Holy Spirit's calling to Christ, whose atonement is sufficient to redeem all men from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin.

THE BELIEVER* can rest assured in the security he has been promised by Christ, which is based entirely on the desire and power of the Lord Jesus Christ to guard him from all peril until the day of his physical death. As an adopted child of God, he has, through his personal faith, assurance of salvation and has the right to all the privileges of the sons of God.

THE RESPONSIBILITY of the believer is to maintain good works according to which eternal rewards shall be received. These good works include, but are not limited to, personal devotion, sacrificial giving of time and money, and sharing the Gospel with the lost.

THE CHURCH is the community of baptized believers. The Head of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ. Leaders should be men of integrity, and members are all called to use their individual gifts and talents to the benefit of the community as a whole.

BAPTISM is an outward profession of personal faith, and as such is administered only to those who have expressed their own faith in Jesus Christ. It may be viewed as a requirement for Church membership.

THE LORD'S SUPPER was appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ as an ordinance by which the community of Christ celebrates and remembers His sacrificial death for us on the cross. It is used of the Spirit to remind men of their sinfulness and to encourage them for continued service.

THE END will come as God has appointed it to be accomplished. The saved will be given eternal glory and joy, the Devil and his angels, along with the unsaved of men, will be damned.

*WordWinds as an organization takes no position on the question of the believer's conditional/unconditional security.

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